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Illinois Labor History Society

Annual Clarence Darrow Flower-tossing and Symposium: 100 Years after Scopes Monkey Trial: Book Banning in 2025

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Annual Clarence Darrow Flower-tossing and Symposium: 100 Years after Scopes Monkey Trial: Book Banning in 2025

  • Harold Washington Library 400 South State Street Chicago, IL, 60605 United States (map)

Join the Clarence Darrow Commemorative Committee for the 

Annual Clarence Darrow Flower-tossing and Symposium 

 100 Years after Scopes Monkey Trial: Book Banning in 2025 

NOTE: Two free events with separate locations

Flower Tossing Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 10 a.m. 

Join us just east of the Clarence Darrow Bridge in Jackson Park for brief speeches, including excerpts from Darrow’s defense of Thomas Scopes, the 24-year-old Tennessee high school teacher charged with teaching the theory of evolution. The Bridge is behind the Museum of Science & Industry. Driving south on Lake Shore Drive, pass the light at 57th Street and turn right at the next right, Science Drive. You will come almost immediately to Columbia Drive; turn left and follow this road to parking near the bridge. 

Symposium Thursday, March 13, 2025 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. 

Harold Washington Library Center, Chicago Public Library, 400 S. State Street 

Co-sponsored with the Harold Washington Library Center 

 While the explosion of book- and idea-banning in schools and libraries across the country might seem like a recent phenomenon, this year marks the 100th 

anniversary of the “Scopes Monkey Trial,” when Darrow faced off against three-time presidential candidate Williams Jennings Bryan in an epic battle over whether Darwin and his theory of evolution should be taught in the classroom. 

 As similar battles play out across America today, join us as acclaimed historian and author Brenda Wineapple (in a virtual appearance) tells the story of how the Scopes trial unfolded, followed by a live discussion with attorney Rebecca Glenberg and librarian Joyce McIntosh addressing the questions of what the Scopes trial really taught us – and why book banning is seeing a strong resurgence today. 

  • Moderator: Nina Barrett, Owner, Bookends and Beginnings 

  • Brenda Wineapple, author, Keeping the Faith: God, Democracy and the Trial that Riveted a Nation 

  • Rebecca Glenberg, Chief Litigation Counsel for the First Amendment, American Civil Liberties Union - IL 

  • Joyce McIntosh, Assistant Program Director, Freedom to Read Foundation 

For more detailed information on the programs and our speakers - visit this page. 

To reach the Darrow Commitee, please contact Tracy Baim at or 773-387-2394. 

Earlier Event: November 22
2024 Union Hall of Honor