Donate & Support
Donate & Support
Your donations help the Illinois Labor History Society protect important sites of labor history throughout our state and to provide quality labor education programs and outreach. Donate here.
Your donations can help support the Illinois Labor History Society in many ways:
General Operations
Preserving the Haymarket Monument and other sites of labor history
Labor History Education for K-12 Students
Labor History Education for Union Members
Labor History in 2:00 Podcasts
Gravestone for Nina Van Zandt Spies
Nina Van Zandt Spies was the widow of Haymarket Martyr, August Spies. She was educated at Vassar College and fell in love with August Spies during the Haymarket trial. She helped August Spies write his autobiography and was disinherited by her wealthy aunt because of Nina Spies' politics. Since her death in 1936, her burial site was never marked. In the midst of updating the booklet, The Day Will Come, author Mark Rogovin discovered the precise location of her grave. The ILHS is working with the cemetery to place a marker for her. We are hoping to plan an event to unveil the new gravestone as soon as it is finished being made.
Guthrie Fund
Bucky Halker and Yahvi Pichardo lead the crowd in singing at the 2014 May Day Celebration at the Haymarket Memorial.
You can also donate to our Guthrie Fundy. Started with a gift from the Woody Guthrie Foundation, this fund allows the ILHS to support the work of labor history musicians. Through this fund, ILHS can include labor music at our events throughout the year. From Joe Hill, to Woody Guthrie, to Pete Seeger, music is at the heart of the history of working people, and it continues to build solidarity in today's labor movement.
Donate here and be sure to include "Guthrie Fund" in the purpose section.
Legacy Gifts
If you would like to help ensure that the future generations can learn and explore labor history consider including Illinois Labor History Society in your estate planning. Legacy gifts play an important part in allowing the ILHS to tell the worker's stories for years to come. Contact ILHS to set up an appointment to discuss how you can make this investment in labor history.