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Illinois Labor History Society

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2024 Union Hall of Honor

  • Operating Engineers 399 Union Hall 2260 South Grove Street Chicago, IL, 60616 United States (map)

The Illinois Labor History Society is thrilled to gather for the Union Hall of Honor Banquet Fundraiser and celebrate our Illinois labor advocates.  This year’s theme is Service to the Nation. We are pleased to announce that this year we are honoring Eric M. Dean – General President of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers; the late Edward M. Smith – Laborers’ Union (LiUNA Local 773) and Chairman and CEO of Ullico; and the late Harold Lee Washington — who served in the Illinois State Senate and the Illinois House of Representatives from 1965 until 1976, represented Illinois’ 1st District in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1981 to 1983, and served as Chicago’s 51st Mayor from 1983-1987. He was the first African American to be elected to that post. They are being honored for their lifelong advocacy of union and human rights, and for their work to engage union members and labor activists.

Tickets can be purchased at EVENTBRITE