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450 S Michigan Ave, AUD 540
Chicago IL 60605
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Illinois Labor History Society


The Day Will Come: Honoring Our Working Class Heroes

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The Day Will Come: Honoring Our Working Class Heroes


Edited by Mark Rogovin, this 40-page booklet, The Day Will Come has brief biographies of the men and women who are buried, or who have their ashes scattered alongside the Haymarket Martyrs monument Forest Park, Illinois. Included are the Martyrs, Emma Goldman, Lucy Parsons and William Z. Foster.

What makes this document so vital is that it has gone where no historian has ever ventured. We show where there are burials of well known persons connected to Haymarket with no gravestones to mark their gravesite. With Nina Van Zandt Spies, wife of martyr August Spies, there is now a precise location of her unmarked grave. The interment of ashes of the son and daughter of Albert and Lucy Parsons have been located and many more discoveries.


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