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Illinois Labor History Society

Songs of Freedom: The James Connolly Songbook


Songs of Freedom: The James Connolly Songbook


Songs of Freedom: The James Connolly Songbook


Author: James Connolly • Edited by Mat Callahan • Preface by Theo Dorgan • Foreword by James Connolly Heron

Songs of Freedom is the name of the songbook edited by James Connolly and published in 1907. Connolly’s introduction is better known than the collection for which it was written, containing his oft-quoted maxim: “Until the movement is marked by the joyous, defiant singing of revolutionary songs, it lacks one of the most distinctive marks of a popular revolutionary movement, it is the dogma of a few and not the faith of the multitude.” Though most of the songs were of Irish derivation, the songbook itself was published in New York and directed to the American working class, explicitly internationalist in its aims.

Songs of Freedom is a celebration of the life and work of James Connolly, the Irish revolutionary socialist martyred by the British government for his role in the Easter Rising of 1916. It is at once a collection of stirring revolutionary songs and a vital historical document. For the first time in a hundred years, readers will find the original Songs of Freedom as well as the 1919 Connolly Souvenir program published in Dublin for a concert commemorating Connolly’s birth. Both are reproduced exactly as they originally appeared, providing a fascinating glimpse of the workers’ struggle at the beginning of the last century. To complete the picture is included the James Connolly Songbook of 1972, which contains not only the most complete selection of Connolly’s lyrics, but also historical background essential to understanding the context in which the songs were written and performed.

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