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450 S Michigan Ave, AUD 540
Chicago IL 60605
United States


Illinois Labor History Society


One Minute After Sunrise DVD


One Minute After Sunrise DVD


The Whiting/Robertsdale Historical Society presents The Historical Documentary on Standard Oil Fire. The half hour documentary “One Minute After Sunrise”, the story of our community and the Standard Oil Refinery Explosion and Fire of 1955.  This original showing marked the 60th Anniversary of the event.  The Historical Society Museum is opened on Tuesdays from 11am to 2pm to scan your photos or receive your donations.  The Historical Society meets on the fourth Thursday of the month from September to April at 12 noon in the Whiting Public Library.  All are welcome.  For more information please call Gayle at 219-659-8129 or e-Mail her at or Frank at 219-659-2190 or e-Mail him at

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