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450 S Michigan Ave, AUD 540
Chicago IL 60605
United States


Illinois Labor History Society


I Am a Teamster - Terry Spencer Hesser

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I Am a Teamster - Terry Spencer Hesser


"Imagine an environment dominated by men unconsciously comfortable with sexism, racism, and brute force. Further imagine a young working-class woman courageously embracing the principal of justice for all workers and compelled to navigate a terrain dominated by complex, flawed, sometimes deeply compromised and always powerful men. Such elements are typically the ingredients of wonderful fiction, but in Terry Spencer Hesser's colorful and personal portrait of labor leader Regina V. Polk, we have a truly inspirational story for anyone who believes in fighting against the power of patriarchy and abusive employers. I Am a Teamster is how Regina Polk defined herself and in the accounts of her tragically brief life, as told by Ms. Hesser, the reader finds an exemplary model of what the very best of union leaders can offer workers and society." -Robert Bruno, Director of Labor Education Program, University of Illinois

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