Eugene V. Debs Speaks
Eugene V. Debs Speaks
By Eugene Debs
Speeches by the pioneer US socialist agitator and labor leader, jailed for opposing Washington's imperialist aims in World War I. Debs speaks out on capitalism and socialism; anti-immigrant chauvinism; how anti-Black racism weakens the labor movement; Rockefeller's massacre of striking miners at Ludlow, Colorado; and more.
“American-born Debs, after years of working for the railroads, became more and more interested in socialism and trade unions. He considered the prevailing political and economic system an instrument of capitalistic exploitation of the worker.” —Library Journal
“The pieces reflect Debs’ basic tenets and his views or stand on issues or events within America’s divided labor movement… policy and tactics, and affairs affecting the entire U.S. such as its threatened entry into World War I, which Debs opposed.” —Booklist
“Ranging in subject matter from race prejudice to antiwar sentiment … these “exhortations” demonstrate the dynamic appeal of Debs as a platform speaker.” —Choice